//Wunnie kecit
Happy Birthday Aten :)

Saturday 30 August 2014 @ 18:11 | 0 Beautiful [s]

hi and assalammualaikum. today will updating for my special friend, fateeen. sempena birthday dia yang ke 18 kan. sorry sebab tak dapat nak bagi hadiah. long distance friendship hehe. maybe lain tahun? hmm nak tau birthday dia pun susah tauu apatah lagi nak dapatkan gambar diaa. haha nasib baik lah terbaca dekat status whatsapp tu. sorry ateen i forgot your besday hehe sbb dulu kau pernah bgtau bila besday kau. sorry k

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to fateeen :)
May Allah bless you forever and hereafter. Semoga dapat jadi anak yang solehah for your mom and dad. Berjaya dunia akhirat. Dipermudahkan semuanya. Ditetapkan iman and most important ceria selalu no matter what happens tauu. Sebab kau comel sangat kalau senyum he he.

Thank you Allah sebab dah hantar fateeen for meee hee. sebab dia baik sangat. always lend shoulder to me whenever i sad or happy she always there! how lucky i am. thankyou ateen sebab jadi partner gosip yang paling setia dengan aku hahaha. everything aku cerita kan no rahsia sikit pun. sangat memahami. gratefully! thankyou thankyou sangat lah haha.

Dah tua dah kau. happy eighteeeen. nk say sorry sebab sebab kalau ada tersilap kata selama ni. then, even masalah besar mana skalipun yang datang aku harap kau stay strong to face it tau. please stay being my ateeen yang always keep chilling haha. no matter how angry you get, you always end up forgiving the people you love :) no geram geram lagi lepas ni kalau ada probs tau. x comel kalau marah marah ni he he. dont worry about what others think. people are always negative. dont let it bother you. 

Semoga kau berjaya dalam pelajaran kau. make them proud of you tauu! hope one day kita dapat jumpa ^^ wlw apa pun jadi put Allah in your number 1 okay? im so happy to meet you. i hope this ukhuwah will last longer till jannah. jangan pernah lupa aku tauu! jaga kau kalau lupa haha. selamat menyambut hari hari bahagia yang seterusnya . be blessed! love you triple ateen :*

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